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Our next few Services...

Generally we hold Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 10:30 at Los Boliches. (Please note that there will be no Wednesday services in August and the fist week of September. The last service will be 31st July, and services will continue as normal on 11th September 2024)

On Sundays we have three services:

9.30am at Calahonda,

11.30am at Alhaurín and

11.30am Los Boliches
Please check the details below for upcoming services.

Click here for details of services during September 2024

Christian Stewardship:

Our Giving on Sundays is always about our response to God’s love for us, not just about paying the bills ‘Count your blessings,’ they say!

It costs around 7,420€ each month to maintain our chaplaincy ministry. Unlike other Diocese in the C/E, the Diocese of Europe does not provide Chaplaincies with any financial support for ministry. Our income so far this year is around 34% down on what we need to raise.

Thank you for your support.  

For those of you who are unable to join us in Church, the Church of England offers a weekly on-line Sunday service at 10.00 (CET) - visit their website for more details. You can also sign up for weekly reminders and a service 'taster' clip, usually sent out on a Saturday:

You can receive services sheets via email. Please email a request to:

Supporting your Chaplaincy:


A big thank you to all those who have brought in their offertory and stewardship envelopes, which have been a great help and support for Chaplaincy ministry. Even though we about to start gathering again for worship, it’s still possible to arrange a bank transfer to support our ministry here, either to our Spanish or UK accounts. If you have any questions about this, please have a word with our Treasurer, Graham Bloor.




Account  Name; Iglesia Anglicana De La Costa Del Sol Este


IBAN: ES39 2103 0194 6500 3001 0341



Barclays Bank plc

Account name: Diocese in Europe Fund 

Account number: 40317039
Sort code: 20-06-13

IBAN: GB16 BUKB 2006 1340 3170 39

Swiftbic: BUKBGB22

 Please include the reference:  CdSEast


It is very important that you include the reference CdSEast – otherwise any offering may get lost in this account, which serves every Chaplaincy in the Diocese!


Thank you for your continued practical support.

god loves a cheerful giver.tif
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