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The Anglican Chaplaincy of St.Andrew's is a community of  faith of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. Since 1968, we have been seeking to spread the Gospel message to both residents and visitors of the Costa del Sol. Through inspired worship, social awareness, and community activity, we strive to witness to the unchanging nature of God's love in an ever changing world, and in doing so, reflect the inclusion to all people  that was a hallmark of the ministry of Jesus Christ. We hope, whether you are visiting for a short while or whether you are a more permanent resident of the Costa del Sol, that you will join us in praising God and caring for our neighbour.


In accordance with the Red Alert issued by AEMET a little while ago, which I believe most of us will have received on our mobile phones, the Wednesday Service at St Andrew's in Los Boliches is suspended. Please stay at home and stay safe. Please also contact one another to make sure that everyone is safe. Rather get too many calls than none at all!


Please pray for everyone in our Community - our Church family, our own families, friends, neighbours and acquaintances. Pray for safety, pray for calm, pray for peace, and pray for this storm to pass us with nothing more than the filling of our water reservoirs so that this drought may be broken!


Be safe. Be blessed.


Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury

After today's news we post the following statement from Justin Welby....

Having sought the gracious permission of His Majesty The King, I have decided to resign as Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Makin Review has exposed the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the heinous abuses of John Smyth.

When I was informed in 2013 and told that police had been notified, I believed wrongly that an appropriate resolution would follow. It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period between 2013 and 2024.

It is my duty to honour my Constitutional and church responsibilities, so exact timings will be decided once a review of necessary obligations has been completed, including those in England and in the Anglican Communion.

I hope this decision makes clear how seriously the Church of England understands the need for change and our profound commitment to creating a safer church. As I step down I do so in sorrow with all victims and survivors of abuse.

The last few days have renewed my long felt and profound sense of shame at the historic safeguarding failures of the Church of England. For nearly twelve years I have struggled to introduce improvements. It is for others to judge what has been done.

In the meantime, I will follow through on my commitment to meet victims. I will delegate all my other current responsibilities for safeguarding until the necessary risk assessment process is complete.

I ask everyone to keep my wife Caroline and my children in their prayers. They have been my most important support throughout my ministry, and I am eternally grateful for their sacrifice. Caroline led the spouses’ programme during the Lambeth Conference and has travelled tirelessly in areas of conflict supporting the most vulnerable, the women, and those who care for them locally.

I believe that stepping aside is in the best interests of the Church of England, which I dearly love and which I have been honoured to serve. I pray that this decision points us back towards the love that Jesus Christ has for every one of us.

For above all else, my deepest commitment is to the person of Jesus Christ, my saviour and my God; the bearer of the sins and burdens of the world, and the hope of every person.

Statement from the Archbishop of York


Archbishop Stephen has given a response following the statement from the Archbishop of Canterbury on his resignation

As I read the Makin review last week and reflected on the terrible abuse perpetrated by John Smyth and shamefully covered up by others, I am, first of all, moved by the accounts of victims and survivors that we have heard from so powerfully. They were badly let down by many in different parts of the Church of England. I am grateful for their courage to be part of the review.

As a church we continue to work towards and must achieve a more victim-centred and trauma-informed approach to safeguarding within the Church of England, and this must address the broader questions of culture and leadership. In this regard, much progress has already been made over the last 10 years. Indeed, it has been Archbishop Justin himself who has championed those developments and reforms. Both Justin and I have made our hopes known about the independence of safeguarding discussed both by Makin and also in Alexis Jay’s report and look forward to the group already at work on these bringing recommendations which can be both effective and trusted.

As Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin has decided to take his share of responsibility for the failures identified by the Makin review. I believe this is the right and honourable thing to do.

Whilst this is a difficult day for Justin, I pray there will be an opportunity to reflect on and appreciate the many positive aspects of his ministry and his huge commitment to the Church of England, the Anglican Communion and above all the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

But I continue to take account of the needs and experiences of victims and survivors and look to the various changes, above all the greater independence of safeguarding, that we need to help ensure these failings never happen again. It is to this ongoing work that I commit myself.


FLOODING APPEAL   3rd November 2024

Given the devastating flooding in Valencia this past Tuesday, the Chaplaincy Council ofSt Andrew's has decided to temporarily suspend the Charity of the Month, which is theTearfund Middle East Emergency Appeal.

We will be collecting funds to support the relief effort to those hardest hit by the flooding instead, and are looking into the best and fastest way to get the funds to those most in need. We envisage that the collection of funds will continue for several weeks.We will keep you all updated as to how long funds will be collected, and to where they will be sent.


If you wish to donate directly into our bank account, you can find the details on our website under the "How to Help" page -   Please itemise any online donations as FLOODING.


We are also aware that there is a great need for material help of all kinds. We have limited capacity to take in items donated to victims of the flooding, and suggest that you contact the Town Hall in the Municipality where you live to find out where collections are being received. However, we will definitely not reject any items brought to our Services and Premises, but do want you to take into account that we would have to redistribute them to suitable collection points ourselves as and when we have capacity to do so, which may take more time to accomplish. Rev'd William Small TSSF

 Following the format of Bible Studies held earlier this year, which was well received by those attending, we will be delving into the Scriptures and Prayers for the coming Sunday, with the intention of discerning how the Holy Spirit is guiding us as a Church in this season of Advent in 2024."

Reveal the joy of Christmas with St Andrew's Chaplaincy!

Chaplain: Rev'd William Small 608 40 30 24

Reader: Caroline Macfarlane 697 86 73 77

Minister: Rev'd Canon John Sutton 634 25 38 48

Church Warden: Jen Sutton 622 25 20 74

                             Billy Dawson 677 83 82 78

Safeguarding Officer: Norma McIntyre 619 26 94 62

General email:

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Janice Harris 638 05 86 61 (Alhaurin), Diane Bloor 602 51 36 08 (Calahonda),  Awaiting Appointment (Los Boliches)

Wednesday Coffee Morning: Jen Sutton 622 25 20 74

Images and web page content Copyright  to St Andrews Chaplaincy ©

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